Monday, February 21, 2011

Patchwork Puppy Dog

I enjoy creating my own patterns, and adding unique details as I go along. My puppy dogs are $15. Button eyes or nose will be added, as you wish, free.

I made this puppy for my sister out of lime dimple dot fabric.

Curtains and pillows

Pillows for my sister's baby

A teddy for Charlie. Very soft!

Curtains for Baby Charlie

A few things I made last year....

Recovered cushions

Custom pillow shams. I know it's messy. I make the bed, but I refuse to fret over it.

Booshi Bags


Wrap-arounds, with tie or buttons. With matching (vintage pattern) halter.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Thirty little birdies, all ready to nest in your home. They are $15 each. Cash or check. I'd be happy to ship, if you cover the charge. Buttons eyes are no additional charge. Send me a message, if you see one you want...early bird, well, you know what I mean.

I made 25 of these last month as hostess gifts for my sister's baby showers. I enjoyed making them and I guess they weren't out of my system yet. So, here is a second flock. I am officially birdied out! I am open to special requests and have patterns for dogs, bears, cats...I can make anything your heart desires.